
Progressive web application for tracking your monthly expenses and income as well as your savings and investments.

I used to use Google sheets to track everything and calculate how much I've stayed net positive manually any given month. It worked fine, but took some time every month to gather data from variuos accounts to check balances etc.

Financer started as an idea together with my friend @silte to track personal finances with ease and do most of the "heavy lifting" automatically.

Financer has had multiple iterations since its beginning in late 2020 with the sole purpose of optimizing the workflow to track transactions.

Features we've added to the app:

  • Tracking incomes, expenses and transfers
  • Adding various types of accounts, e.g. savings, investments, cash, loans and credit cards
  • Automatic account balance updating
  • Transaction categories
  • Transaction templates
  • User preferences

What did I do?

I have mostly handled the frontend side of the app. That contains generally everything design/UI/UX related.

Tech stack used in this project

This project uses a bunch of tech stacks. Mainly ReactJS for the frontend flavoured with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS. For the backend it uses NestJS with a MongoDB database. UI Tests with Cypress.

Project configurations are handled with Docker and Kubernetes.

Tech stack used in this project

  • TypeScript
  • TailwindCSS
  • ReactJS
  • JavaScript
  • NestJS
  • Cypress
  • Docker
  • MongoDB
  • Kubernetes
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